VOICES Radio Hour
VOICES Radio Hour | a collaboration with Circa 71 Productions
2nd Friday of The Month, 6-7pm on KDNK Radio
VOICES Radio Hour is a response to our intrinsic need to share stories, coupled with Circa 71 Production’s mission to preserve memories and stories as the sacred archeology of our loved ones. The collaboration brings about collected stories under different themes and voices from all walks of our community in the monthly VOICES Radio Hour. We hope this serves to preserve our oral history of who we are, where we come from, and who we aspire to be, through the tradition of storytelling.
Where To Listen
Tune into KDNK at 88.1FM in Carbondale or 88.3FM in Aspen
Stream the program live at kdnk.org
Or listen below!
Episode 26. Common Ground
We kick off our Common Ground series by discussing the ways we can bring our best self to the table for hard conversations. In a conversation with Paul Dankers, who is a psilocybin harm reduction specialist, we discuss IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapy and how it can help us put down our defenses and see what connects us rather than what divides us.
Episode 25. Love Endures
Love is in the air! This month, we celebrate the enduring power of love to overcome any obstacle. So often, romantic love gets the focus, but what about the stories of how love can carry us through difficult times, challenges, and all that life has to throw at us? This episode features the voices of Paul Dankers, Gentrye Houghton, Gary Gleason, and a special conversation between Peter Westcott and Kate Friesen. The featured musical selections in this episode are songs chosen by our storytellers that have special meaning to them.
Excerpts From The Sopris Sun
Love Endures by Gary Gleason, 02/13/2025
STORYTELLER | PAUL DANKERS is the husband of Michael Schoepe, the co music director for Two Rivers Unitarian Universalists, the music director of Aspen Choral Society, and a psilocybin harm reduction specialist.
STORYTELLER | GENTRYE HOUGHTON has been a member of the Crystal Valley since 2013 and is the owner and editor of The Crystal Valley Echo, a monthly publication. She is a writer, an avid reader, a traveler and adventurer, an outdoorswoman, a dog mom, and a founding member of the Googly-Eye Bike gang.
STORYTELLER | GARY GLEASON is a writer, photographer, musician, and entrepreneur. He is also co-author of the new book, Meeting Your Magnificence: 111 Ways to Live from Your Higher Self, which features Gleason’s intimate floral photographs with the channeled spiritual wisdom of his partner, Carolyn Golbus. Golbus died following a freak accident just days after the couple had signed off on final edits with Brown Books Publishing, casting Gleason on an unexpected path of grief, recovery, and deeper spiritual awakening.
STORYTELLERS | PETER WESTCOTT & KATE FRIESEN moved to the Valley in 1985, where they built their home and raised their family. Kate has served on the Arts Council and TRTC boards, helped build and worked at the Waldorf School, and taught classes at CMC. She’s the Trail Boss in the Cowboy Corral, and she works with fiber— spinning, dyeing and weaving. Peter started his time here working at CRMS, but soon switched to Aspen Middle School where he taught for 25 years. He was on the board of Crystal Valley Environmental Protection Association for many years, and now works on Social Justice concerns. They both love singing, camping, cycling and rafting.
Episode 24. Revisiting Newcomers Think of Home
January 10, 2025
As we head into 2025, with much uncertainty, we at VOICES Radio Hour feel a call. Our beautiful Valley has always been made up of a diverse community of native born citizens and immigrants - it is a huge part of what makes living here so special. And in the late summer of 2023, our community was joined by nearly 80 unhoused immigrants, who were found to be living under the bridge at Highway 82. Our community responded and stepped up to the task in a variety of ways, and we were fortunate enough to spend some time with some of the newcomers and get to know them on a personal level.
None of us know what the future holds in terms of immigration. What we do know is that now is the time to remember the human beings at the center of this debate - who traverse through terrain and circumstances most of us can scarcely fathom, in search of a better life.
We present to you a re-airing of our March 2024 episode, Newcomers Think of Home. And we ask you to listen to the Voices of those who made their way to our town, were welcomed into our community, and left a lasting mark on those who they met.
Excerpts from the Sopris Sun & El Sol del Valle
Revisiting Carbondale Newcomers, 01/08/2025 | Los recién llegados piensan en el hogar, 01/09/2025
Storyteller Argenis Marquez
Storyteller Benigno Jose Ricardo & VOICES Radio Hour producer Jennifer Hughes
Storyteller Ricardo Urbina
Past Episodes
Excerpts from the Sopris Sun
What’s The Name? by Skylar Lomahaftewa, 11/07/2024
Excerpts in the Sopris Sun
What “Authentically versus…” means to me, a conversation with the Queer VOICES ensemble, 10/09/2024
Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
What Does Life-Changing Mean to Me by Lisa Rocco, 09/18/2024
Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
The Arrowhead by Stephen Bershenyi, 08/08/2024 | El gozo de la gallinas por Britany Zepeda, 08/08/2024
Excerpts from Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
Where I Am From by Henri Oziel Andrade Machado, 07/10/2024 | De donde soy por Tawny Domany Santizo Solorzano, 07/12/2024
Ep. 17 Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
Teaching the Funny by Ryan Honey, 06/14/2024 | Difícil de explicar por Lucas de Cesco, 06/14/2024
Ep. 16 Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
Motherhood, by Lindsay Gurley 05/09/2024 | Emparazo y maternidad nuevo, por Marlin Gonzalez 09/05/2024
Ep. 15 EXCERPTS In The Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
Theater Magic, Gabrielle Bailes, 04/11/2024 | Descubriendo el amor por el arte, Elisabet Rojas Capilla, 04/11/2024
Ep. 14 EXCERPTS In The Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle
Newcomers Think of Home, 03/13/2024 | Recién Llegados, 03/13/2024
I Am In Love, by Diane Kenney 02/08/2024 | Ser uno mismo, por Flor Paz-Pastrana, 02/08/2024
¿Qué estás esperando?, por Angie Turcios Nolasco, 01/11/2024 | What Are You Looking Forward To?, by Genevieve Vickers, 01/22/2024
Dar un salto de fe, por Giovanna Kennedy, 11/29/23 | Taking The Leap, by Kami Miranda, 12/13/23
EP. 10 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle & Sopris Sun
Empowering every VOICE, by Travis Dean Wilson, 11/08/23 | Ella era valiente, por Laura Varela, 11/09/23
Ep. 9 Excerpts in Sol deL Valle / Sopris Sun
La Piñata por Gabriela Mejia, 9/28/2023 | Emigrar por Brisa Farfan Fernandez, 10/4/2023 | Latinidad, Woven by Generations, by Claudia Pawl, 10/11/2023 | La Búsqueda por Art Williams, 10/19/2023
Ep. 8 Excerpts in Sol deL Valle / Sopris Sun
Las VOCES De Nuestros Maestros por Gricel Martinez Montero, 09/13/2023 | Reflections on Teaching ELD by Mary Hernandez, 09/13/2023
Ep. 7 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun
La Si Se Pudo por Andrea Harris, 08/09/2023 | Town Mothers Rise Up by Laurie Loeb, 08/09/2023
Ep. 6 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun
Mi Tierra por Josefina Mendez, 07/13/2023 | My Homeland by MinTze Wu, 07/13/2023
Ep. 5 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun
Lo Que Dia De Los Padres Es Para Mi por Annette y Leo Bernal, 06/08/2023 | Dad Means “Love” by Valentina Camara, 06/09/2023
Ep. 4 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun
Rebirth by Nina Gabianelli, 05/10/2023 | Renacimiento por Gabriela Alvarez-Espinoza, 05/10/2023
Our First Kiss by Wewer Keohane, 04/04/2023 | El Primer Beso por Juanma Martin Cespedes, 04/05/2023