The ARTery Tiny Stage

Tiny + Mobile/Art + Theater Space

The ARTery is a pandemic-inspired creative solution of a mini mobile pavilion in the shape of a butterfly, symbolizing transformation, hope, and rebirth. The ARTery went to parks up and down the valley, to Farmer’s Markets, and to Mountain Fair.

Carbondale First Fridays, 5-6pm at The Painted Pig

It’s time that VOICES grace the ARTery’s elegant and playful presence with some fun  programming, aka riveting storytelling and music! We’re grateful our community partner, The Painted Pig, who is providing a beautiful shady spot on their lawn and comfortable patio for you to sit and enjoy a cup of tea or a glass or wine along with our mini but mighty acts! 


Lana Greengrass will grace our tiny stage with her current musical project, Lamb Spit, an electronic compilation of what she wants to hear and say. She’ll be accompanied by storyteller Bineke Kiernan, who first shared her story on Episode 15 of VOICES Radio Hour, Theater Magic. Travis Wilson will also share an excerpt from his piece in the Queer VOICES Theater Project, Green Birds on Orange Trees presented in the Fall of 2022 at TACAW. This event is free! 

ARTery Tiny Stage Photo Gallery