VOICES Radio Hour

VOICES Radio Hour | a collaboration with Circa 71 Productions

2nd Friday of The Month, 6-7pm on KDNK Radio

VOICES Radio Hour is a response to our intrinsic need to share stories, coupling with Circa 71 Productions’ mission to preserve memories and stories as the sacred archeology of our loved ones. The collaboration brings about collected stories under different themes and voices from all walks of our community in the monthly VOICES Radio Hour. We hope this serves to preserve our oral history of who we are, where we come from, and who we aspire to be, through the tradition of storytelling.

Where To Listen

  1. Tune into KDNK at 88.1FM in Carbondale or 88.3FM in Aspen

  2. Stream the program live at kdnk.org

  3. Or listen below!

Episode 20. Life-Changing Teaching

September 13, 2024

So many of us have a story of a teacher who changed our lives. For some, this may be an early childhood educator who made them feel safe and loved, for others it may be a college professor who forever altered their opinions and beliefs. The concept of “teacher” could also be a moment in time or a long-term practice that shaped a person into who they are and informed how they see themselves and the world. This month, on VOICES Radio Hour, we asked five community members to explore the expansive idea of “teacher,” as well as the ways these teachers have shaped them. You'll hear the voices of Nikolai Furmansky, Francisco “Paco” Nevárez-Burgueño, Lisa Rocco, Zoë Rom, and Shakti VedFeatured musical selections in this episode are curated by one of our storytellers, Lisa Rocco. 

About the Storytellers

STORYTELLER | NIKOLAI FURMANSKY is a quick study, an enthusiastic artist, and an admittedly slow learner. Despite this potentially lethal combination he has survived and thrived for almost five decades on the planet Earth. He happily resides in the Roaring Fork Valley with his wife and their two children.

STORYTELLER | FRANCISCO (PACO) NEVÁREZ-BURGUEÑO is celebrating his 22nd year as the Director of Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Folklórico. Adventurous at heart, he has empowered students to perform across the United States and internationally. He also founded the M.I.T. Folklórico Company in New York City. Paco was the recipient of the Governor’s Creative Leadership Award in 2016, and the English in Action Leadership Award in 2023. He grew up in Chihuahua, Mexico.

STORYTELLER | LISA ROCCO is a native of the Roaring Fork Valley who is passionate about nature, personal growth, business, meaningful relationships and raising consciousness. She brings this to life as an entrepreneur, wife, friend, kundalini yoga instructor, and golfer. Her vision is to live in a world where people deeply know their authentic self to share their signature energy and gifts with creation.


STORYTELLER | ZOË ROM is a writer and journalist obsessed with stories at the intersection of places and people. When she’s not running, she’s writing or reading. You can catch her doing stand-up and improv with Consensual Improv. She also hosts and produces the Trailhead and Your Diet Sucks podcasts. She is co-author of the book, Becoming a Sustainable Runner with Tina Muir and a UESCA-certified coach at Microcosm Coaching.

STORYTELLER | SHAKTI VED made the valley her home three years ago, enchanted by its landscapes, heart-warming community, and the unique energy of the place. She works in healthcare as an engineer, is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher, an enthusiastic drummer, dancer, and nature-lover.


Episode 19. Our Land, Our Voices

August 16, 2024

This episode was recorded in the field during VOICES Summertime Stories & Music event, held in partnership with Aspen Valley Land Trust at the Coffman Ranch on Saturday, August 10. The program, Our Land, Our Voices, brought together storytellers with diverse backgrounds, tied together by their stewardship and love of this special place we call home. We heard from conservationists, artists, educators, youth, farmers, ranchers, exploring and illuminating their personal connection to the land on which we all live, work, and play.

Special thanks to KDNK, Aspen Valley Land Trust and Anjanette Garcia, Bill Flanigan, Annie Litten, and Convey Language Solutions for their support of this special edition of VOICES Radio Hour, VOICES Summertime Stories and Music: Our Land, Our Voices.

This episode features the voices and stories of Stephen Bershenyi, Francisco "Paco" Nevarez-Burgueño, Autumn Rivera, Jason Sewell, and Britany Zepeda. Featured musical interludes were performed by Meadowsuite, a trio of string musicians, including Harris Jackson, Delaney Meyers, and Ashton Taufer

Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

The Arrowhead by Stephen Bershenyi, 08/08/2024

El gozo de la gallinas por Britany Zepeda, 08/08/2024

About the Storytellers & Musicians

STORYTELLER | STEPHEN BERSHENYI was born into a ranching family in Glenwood Springs and stewards the family property, the Lazy V Quarter Circle Ranch, a 640-acre high-mountain parcel protected by a conservation easement. An English Literature and German Language double major, Stephen also earned his journeyman card as a control instrument and refrigeration pipe-fitter. Stephen has worked in facilities management and construction, and since 2005, as an artist blacksmith

STORYTELLER | FRANCISCO “PACO” NEVAREZ-BURGUEÑO is celebrating his 22nd year as the Director of Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Folklórico and has served thousands of children from Rifle to Aspen creating self-esteem, friendships, and beauty through dance.  Adventurous at heart, he has empowered students to perform across the United States and internationally. He also founded the M.I.T. Folklórico Company in New York City, and was the recipient of the Governor’s Creative Leadership Award in 2016, and the English in Action Leadership Award in 2023. Paco grew up in Chihuahua, MX, where every dance had a story behind it!

STORYTELLER | AUTUMN RIVERA is a 6th grade science teacher at Glenwood Springs Middle School in the Roaring Fork School District. She is also an adjunct professor at Colorado Mountain College in the Education Department. During her more than 18 years as an educator, she has worked with students from elementary to postgraduate. Rivera empowers her students and strives to provide them with common background experiences. She was named the 2022 Colorado Teacher of the Year and a Finalist for National Teacher of the Year. She is also a Golden Apple and Excellence in Teaching Awardee, PAEMST State Finalist, and the 2023 Association of Middle Level Education Educator of the Year.


STORYTELLER | JASON SEWELL is a fifth-generation rancher and co-owner of the historic Sunfire Ranch. He is passionate about bringing ranching, conservation, community, and education together. As a result, Sunfire Ranch is an inspiring place where thousands of pounds of vegetables are grown annually, cattle are grazed in regenerative rotation, and educational classes happen, such as high-altitude gardening, and more! Jason strives to be an example of what's possible when collaborations happen to create innovative and resilient food systems.

STORYTELLER | BRITNEY ZEPEDA is a 16-year-old from Silt, Colorado. She is an Assistant Crew Leader at Highwater Farm this year, after completing the Youth Program last season. She is passionate about agriculture and connecting with people. Outside of Highwater, she has been a member of the Future Farmers of America club at Cole Ridge High School for the last two years where she has also taken on a leadership role in the Sentinel position, assisting the president with events and communication.

FEATURED MUSICIANS | MEADOWSUITE is a budding ensemble of long-time friends and musical collaborators Delaney Meyers, violin, Harris Jackson, guitar, and Ashton Taufer, bass. Weaving together classical, jazz, and folk traditions, the ensemble explores new sounds in a mix of original and classic compositions.

Past Episodes


Excerpts from Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

Where I Am From by Henri Oziel Andrade Machado, 07/10/2024 | De donde soy por Tawny Domany Santizo Solorzano, 07/12/2024


Ep. 17 Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

Teaching the Funny by Ryan Honey, 06/14/2024 | Difícil de explicar por Lucas de Cesco, 06/14/2024


Ep. 16 Excerpts in the Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

Motherhood, by Lindsay Gurley 05/09/2024 | Emparazo y maternidad nuevo, por Marlin Gonzalez 09/05/2024


Ep. 15 EXCERPTS In The Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

Theater Magic, Gabrielle Bailes, 04/11/2024 | Descubriendo el amor por el arte, Elisabet Rojas Capilla, 04/11/2024


Ep. 14 EXCERPTS In The Sopris Sun & Sol Del Valle

Newcomers Think of Home, 03/13/2024 | Recién Llegados, 03/13/2024



I Am In Love, by Diane Kenney 02/08/2024 | Ser uno mismo, por Flor Paz-Pastrana, 02/08/2024



¿Qué estás esperando?, por Angie Turcios Nolasco, 01/11/2024 | What Are You Looking Forward To?, by Genevieve Vickers, 01/22/2024



Dar un salto de fe, por Giovanna Kennedy, 11/29/23 | Taking The Leap, by Kami Miranda, 12/13/23


EP. 10 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle & Sopris Sun

Empowering every VOICE, by Travis Dean Wilson, 11/08/23 | Ella era valiente, por Laura Varela, 11/09/23


Ep. 9 Excerpts in Sol deL Valle / Sopris Sun

La Piñata por Gabriela Mejia, 9/28/2023 | Emigrar por Brisa Farfan Fernandez, 10/4/2023 | Latinidad, Woven by Generations, by Claudia Pawl, 10/11/2023 | La Búsqueda por Art Williams, 10/19/2023


Ep. 8 Excerpts in Sol deL Valle / Sopris Sun

Las VOCES De Nuestros Maestros por Gricel Martinez Montero, 09/13/2023 | Reflections on Teaching ELD by Mary Hernandez, 09/13/2023


Ep. 7 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun

La Si Se Pudo por Andrea Harris, 08/09/2023 | Town Mothers Rise Up by Laurie Loeb, 08/09/2023


Ep. 6 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun

Mi Tierra por Josefina Mendez, 07/13/2023 | My Homeland by MinTze Wu, 07/13/2023


Ep. 5 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun

Lo Que Dia De Los Padres Es Para Mi por Annette y Leo Bernal, 06/08/2023 | Dad Means “Love” by Valentina Camara, 06/09/2023


Ep. 4 Excerpts in Sol Del Valle / Sopris Sun

Rebirth by Nina Gabianelli, 05/10/2023 | Renacimiento por Gabriela Alvarez-Espinoza, 05/10/2023


Our First Kiss by Wewer Keohane, 04/04/2023 | El Primer Beso por Juanma Martin Cespedes, 04/05/2023

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